ggswissmaps - Offers Various Swiss Maps as Data Frames and 'ggplot2' Objects
Offers various swiss maps as data frames and 'ggplot2' objects and gives the possibility to add layers of data on the maps. Data are publicly available from the swiss federal statistical office. In addition to the \code{maps2} object (a list of 8 swiss maps, at various levels), there are the data frames with the boundaries used to produce these maps (\code{shp_df}, a list with 8 data frames).
Last updated 6 months ago
5.20 score 5 stars 16 scripts 298 downloadsdistrr - Estimate and Manage Empirical Distributions
Tools to estimate and manage empirical distributions, which should work with survey data. One of the main features is the possibility to create data cubes of estimated statistics, that include all the combinations of the variables of interest (see for example functions dcc5() and dcc6()).
Last updated 4 months ago
4.10 score 6 stars 14 scripts 244 downloadsdcatapchr - Create DCAT-AP CH Metadata Files
Create DCAT-AP CH metadata files, typically in rdf format.
Last updated 3 months ago
2.81 score 3 scriptsimpexpcsv - Import Various csv Files with Common Columns and Export in One csv file
Import various csv files with common columns and export in one csv file. Csv files are imported with data.table::fread(), row-binded with data.table::rbindlist() and exported with data.table::fwrite().
Last updated 1 months ago
2.40 score